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简介1.羽毛球英语为什么叫badminton2.羽毛球英文简介?3.“羽毛球”英语单词?4.羽毛球英文介绍5.羽毛球的英语怎么读关于羽毛球运动介绍6.急!!!!!!羽毛球介绍(英语)(只要8年级程度的,不要太深奥)能演讲1到2分钟的好得我加90分!!!! 在 羽毛球 国际赛事中英语都是作为官方语言使用,而无论业余或专业赛事也会用到很多专业术语,爱羽客为您精心整理了羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表,看看作








 在 羽毛球 国际赛事中英语都是作为官方语言使用,而无论业余或专业赛事也会用到很多专业术语,爱羽客为您精心整理了羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表,看看作为球迷的您了解多少。以下是我整理的羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton,欢迎阅读。

 羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton

  Badminton 羽毛球(运动)


 Racket, bat球拍

 racket head 球拍前部(包括拍框和拍面)

 face of racket, racket face 拍面

 frame of racket 拍框

 handle of racket 拍柄

 shaft 拍杆

 throat 拍颈

 shuttle, shuttlecock羽毛球

 feather 羽毛

 cork base 球托(羽毛球的软木部分)

 crown of feathers 羽毛圈(羽毛球的羽毛部分)

 broken shuttle 坏球

 plastic shuttle 塑料羽毛球



 court 球场

 combination court 单打、双打合用的球场

 doubles court 双打球场

 singles court 单打球场

 backcourt 后场

 backcourt player 后场球员

 forecourt 前场

 forecourt player 前场球员

 singles service court 单打发球区

 doubles service court 双打发球区

 service court 发球区

 left court 左场区

 left service court 左发球区

 right court 右场区

 right service court 右发球区

 alley 单打线和双打线之间的细长地带

 back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带


 back boundary line, backcourt boundary端线(单打后发球线)

 base line 端线

 centre line, mid court line 中线

 side line, side boundary line 边线

 inside side line (单双打线都有的场地)单打边线

 outside side line (单双打线都有的场地)双打边线

 corners of backcourt 后场两角

 doubles service line 双打发球线

 front service line, short service line 前发球线

 rear service line, long service line (双打)后发球线

 net post 网柱

 net tape, white tape, band网顶白布条



 forehand 正拍

 backhand 反拍

 grip 握拍法

 backhand grip 反手握法

 forehand grip 正手握拍法


 backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球)

 deception 假动作

 preliminary feint (发球时的)假动作

 delivery of service 发球动作

 full strike 全力击球

 full swing 全力挥拍

 high backhand stroke 上手反拍击球

 overhand stroke 上手击球(高于头顶的击球)

 overhead stroke 打头顶球(位于头顶的击球)

 round-the-head stroke 绕头顶击球

 shoulder-high drive 与肩齐高的平抽球

 side-arm stroke 侧手球(回击位于身体侧面的球)

 underhand stroke 低手击球

 strike 击(球)

 intercept 截击

 cut 切球

 smash 杀球

 Forehand smash正手杀球

 Backhand smash反手杀球

 Around the head smash过顶杀球

 consecutive kill连续扣杀



 retrieve 救球

 rushing ①冲上网②扑球

 sliding step 滑步


 Drop shot 吊球

 Drive 平击球、平抽球

 Net play 网前击球(技术)

 Net shot网前放小球、网前搓球

 Net Kill 网前扑球

 Net Lift网前挑球(推后场)

 clear 平高球

 high clear 高远球

 cross-court 斜线球

 deep shot 深球(打到对方底线附近的球)

 drive 平抽球

 driven clear 平抽高球

 drop shot 吊网前球

 lift 近网挑球

 hairpin shot ?夹发针?球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球)

 low shot 低平球

 straight 直线球

 descent (球)下降

 flight (球)飞行


 High serve发高球

 Deep high service, long high service发高远球

 Low serve 发小球

 Short low service 发短低球(刚到前发球线的小球)

 Flick serve 发平高球(比高远球要低些,比低平球要高些)

 Drive serve, flat service发低平球(比平高球要低些)

 serve deep 发深球(发至后场的球)

 long service 发远球(发至后场的球)

 return of service 接发球

 4、 其它

 abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常

 accuracy of placement 落点的准确性

 miss 击球未中

 IV. 战术用语

 front and back (双打)前后站位打法(常用于混双)

 rotation system (双打)轮转配合打法

 half-court shot 半场球(对付前后站位防守的打法)

 defense and fight back防守反击

 net game 网前打法

 net play 网前打法

 pairing (双打) 配对

 partner (双打)同伴

 players? positions 队员方位

 V. 规则用语

 1、 一般规则

 game 局(一般一场比赛有三局)

 game point 局点

 match 场

 match point 场点、赛点(三局两胜制比赛的决胜球)

 linesman 司线员

 referee 裁判员

 service judge 发球裁判员

 mixed double混合双打

 men?s singles男单

 men?s doubles男双

 women?s singles女单

 women?s doubles女双


 Change the server, alternate in serving 换发球

 change courts 交换场地

 change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位

 choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权

 odd number of points 单数分数

 even number of points 双数分数

 order of service 发球次序

 ?Love all ,play! 零比零,开始比赛!?

 ?Set 2 points! 再赛两分!?

 Ace, service ace 发球得分

 deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平)



 receiving side 接发球一方

 second server (旧规则的双打)第二发球

 ?Service over!? (单打)换发球


 racket head above the hand 拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规)

 serving above the waist 高于腰部的发球(发球犯规)

 serve from the wrong-service court 发球站错方位

 short (发球时的)短球

 touch the net 触网

 unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球

 double hit

 fault ①失误②犯规

 faulty serving 发球违例

 foul hit 击球犯规

 out of position 站错位

 good return 合法还击

 good service 合法发球

 score cancelled 得分无效


Badminton is a sport for two or four people. In this way, the game consists of either one player against one player or a team of two players against another team of two players. Players use rackets to hit a shuttlecock over anet.

The aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net in a way that the other player or pair cannot hit it back properly before it hits the floor. Every time this is done, the player or pair gets one point. The winner of the rally gets to serve. The first player or pair to reach 21 points wins a game.

The winner of the match is the first to win 2 sets.


Badminton traces its history to a game called Poon, which was played in Pune, India in the 19th century by British military officers stationed there. This game was taken by retired officers back to England where it developed and quickly grew in popularity. In 1877, the first set of written rules were arranged by the newly formed Bath Badminton Club. The All England Open Badminton Championships, the first badminton competition in the world, was held in 1899. Badminton has been an Olympic sport since 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. Although badminton originated in England, it is mainly played in countries of Asia such as China, Indonesia and the Republic of Korea that now dominates this sport.


这里的英文浅显易懂,因为它是“simple English",




Adults who might find it hard to learn or read

People who are learning English)




1873年博福特公爵(Duke of Beaufort)在他位于格洛斯特郡(Gloucestershire)的宅邸伯明顿庄园Badminton House举办的派对上组织宾客玩了这个游戏,结果大受欢迎。于是羽毛球运动慢慢在英国贵族中流行开来,久而久之人们便把这项运动称为badminton。












Contemporary badminton first appeared in the mid-19th century, it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock, which can be traced back to ancient Greece, China, Japan and India. Especially popular in Asia and Europe today, badminton became a full competition sport at the Olympic Games in 1992.

现代羽毛球运动在19世纪中叶首次出现,它是由一种名为“毽子板球”(battledore and shuttlecock)的运动发展演化而来的。“毽子板球”的起源可以追溯到古希腊、中国、日本和印度。今天,羽毛球运动在亚洲和欧洲尤为流行,它已经在1992年的奥运会中成为正式比赛项目。


Badminton is a racket sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles). The players or pairs take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.



abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常

accuracy of placement 落点的准确性

ace ①得分球②打得漂亮的球③直接得分的发球

alley ①单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带②单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带

alternate courts 交换发球区

alternate in serving ①换发球②双打中一方轮流发球

anchor fingers 紧握球拍的三指(中指、无名指、小指)

around-the-head stroke 绕头顶挥拍击球

ascent (球)上升

attacking clear 比较平直的高远球

back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带

back boundary line 端线(单打后发球线)

backcourt 后场

backcourt boundary 端线

backcourt player 后场球员

backhand 反拍

backhand court 左场区

backhand grip 反手握法

back room 端线外的空地

backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球)

badminton 羽毛球运动

balk 发球时一方扰乱对方

band 网顶白布条

base 中心位置

base line 端线

basic strokes 基本技术

bat ①球拍②击(球)

battledore 羽毛球拍(旧称)

battledore and shuttlecock 羽毛球运动(旧称)

broken shuttle 坏球

carrying 持球

centre line 中线

change courts 交换场地

change ends 交换场地

change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位

choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权

choice of “setting” 选择“再赛”权

clear 高远球

combination court 单打、双打合用的球场

cork base (球)底托

corners of backcourt 后场两角

court 球场

court-covering 守住全场

cross-court ①斜线②斜线球

crown of feathers 羽毛圈

cut 切球

deception 假动作

decoying tactics 引诱战术

deep high service 发高远球

deep shot 深球(打到对方端线附近的球)

delivery of service 发球动作

descent (球)下降

deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平)

diagonal system (双打)斜对角配合打法

diagonal teamwork (双打)斜对角配合打法

double hit

doubles court 双打球场

doubles service court 双打发球区

doubles service line 双打发球线

draw (用故意留出空当等办法)引诱对方进攻

drive 平抽球

driven clear 平抽高球

driven service 发平球(比高远球要低些)

driver 善于抽球的队员

drop shot 吊网前球

end 半场

even number of points 双数分数

face of racket 拍面

facet 八角形拍把上的一个平面

fault ①失误②犯规

faulty serving 发球违例

feather 羽毛

feather tip 羽毛顶尖

fingering the grip 击球时握指的变动

finishing shot 决定得分的一击

first inning 第一轮,第一次发球权

first server (双打)第一次发球员

flat service 发平球

flexible wrist 灵活的手腕

flick 甩腕击球

flight (球)飞行

foot fault 脚部犯规

forecourt 前场

forecourt player 前场球员

forehand 正拍

forehand court 右场区

forehand grip 正手握拍法

foul hit 击球犯规

frame of racket 拍框

front and back 双打中一前一后的站法

front service line 前发球线

full strike 全力击球

full swing 全力挥拍

game 局

game ball 一局中的决胜分

game bird 一局中的决胜分

game point 一局中的决胜分

get 抢救险球

getter 抢救险球的队员

good return 合法还击

good service 合法发球

grip ①握拍法②握拍的地方

gut 羊肠线

hairpin shot “夹发针”球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球)

half-court shot 半场球(对付一前一后防守的打法)

hand-in 有发球权

handle of racket 拍柄

hand-out 无发球权,失发球权

headroom 室内球场上无障碍物的空间

high backhand stroke 高反拍击球

high clear 高远球

hogging the court (双打)抢打同伴的球

home position 中心位置

ice-cream point 一场中的决胜分

in ①有发球权②(球)在界内

inning 一方保持发球权的时间

"in" side 掌握发球权一方

inside side line 单打边线

intercept 截击

kill 扣杀

landing (球)落地

left court 左场区

left court player (双打)在左场区接发球的球员

left service court 左发球区

let 发球擦网后重发

lift 近网挑球

linesman 司线员

lob 高球

long high serve 发高远球

long service 发远球

long service line 双打后发球线

loss of service 失发球权

"Love all ,play!" “零比零,开始比赛!”

love game 一方得零分的一局

love match 一方得零局的一场

low shot 低球

main string (球拍)直线

match 场

match point 一场中的决胜分

mid court 中区

mid court line 中线

miss 击球未中

miss on service 发球时未打中球

mix up 不断变换打法

money bird 一场中的决胜分(西方称法)

net game 网前打法

net man (双打)打网前位置的球员

net play 网前打法

net payer (双打)打网前位置的球员

net post 网柱

net tape 网顶白布条

nylon 尼龙弦

odd number of points 单数分数

one down (双打)失去第一次发球权

one hand (双打开始时)一次发球权

one hand out (双打)失去第一次发球权

one out (双打)失去第一次发球权

one-shotter 只会一种打法的球员

option of "setting" 选择“再赛”权

order of service 发球次序

out ①无发球权②(球)在界外

out-of-hand service 撒手发球法(用手指抓着羽毛,一撒手就将球打出去)

out of position 站错位,离开了基本位置

"out " side 不掌握发球权一方

outside side line 双打边线

overdrive 把球打出对方端线

overhand stroke 高手击球

overhead stroke 打头上球

overrun 接球时跑过头

pace ①球的速度②比赛的速度

pairing (双打)配对

partner (双打)同伴

pass 超身球

passing shot 超身球

pass shot 超身球

place 找落点

place-hitter 善于找落点的球员

placement 落点好的球

placer 善于找落点的球员

plastic shuttle 塑料羽毛球

players’positions 队员方位

play for an opening 促使对方出漏洞的打法

play safe 打保险球

poacher (双打)抢打同伴的球

poaching (双打)抢打同伴的球

poona 羽毛球运动(因此项运动发源于印度浦那而得名)

pop up 近网挑球过高(对方容易扣杀)

preliminary feint (发球时的)假动作

press 球拍夹子

racket 球拍

racket head 球拍前部(包括拍框和拍面)

racket head above the hand 拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规)

racquet 球拍

rally 为争夺一分的往返拍击,一个回合

rear service line 后发球线

receiving side 接发球一方

referee 裁判员

retired side 失去发球权的一方

retrieve 救球

return 还击

return of service 接发球

right court 右场区

right-court player (双打)在右场区接发球的球员

right service court 右发球区

right to serve 发球权

rotation system (双打)轮转配合打法

"rough" (球拍)粗面

round-the-head stroke 绕头顶扣杀

rubber 三打二胜制

runback 端线外的空地

rushing ①冲上网②扑

rush-up ①冲上网②扑

score cancelled 得分无效

second server (双打)第二发球员

"Second server!" (双打)“第二发球员发球!”

serve deep 发深球

serve from the wrong-service court 发球站错方位

serve out of turn 发球次序错误

serve with both feet in a stationary position 两脚立定发球

service ace 发球得分

service court 发球区

service judge 发球裁判员

"Service over!" (单打)“换发球!”

serving above the waist 高于腰部的发球

serving form 发球姿势

serving position 发球位置

serving side 发球方

setting 再赛

"Set 2 points!" “再赛两分!”

set-up 机会球

shaft 拍柄轴

short 短球

short low service 发短低球

short service 发短球

short service line 前发球线

shoulder-high drive 与肩齐高的平抽球

shuttle 羽毛球

shuttlecock 羽毛球

shuttler 羽毛球运动员

side alley 单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带

side-arm stroke 侧手球

side boundary line 边线

side by side 双打中一左一右的站法

side line 边线

side room 边线外的空地

side stop 场边围栏

singles court 单打球场

singles service court 单打发球区

sliding step 滑步

sling 持球

smash 扣球

"smooth" (球拍)滑面

soft service 发短球

speed of shuttle flight 球的速度

spin a racket 转球拍(抽签方法之一)

spread of the feather 羽毛圈直径

stance 站立姿势

straight 直线球

strike 击(球)

striker-out 接发球的球员

swing of the arm 摆臂

swing of the body 身体旋转

swing of the racket 挥拍

take the net 上网

thought action 经过思考的动作

throat 拍颈

throw 持球

thumb-up 拇指贴把

top and back 双打中一前一后的站法

top line of the net 网的上缘

toss service 抛球发球法

touch the net 触网

trim 缠绕拍线交叉地方的细绳

two 双打队员

two hands 两次发球权

umpire 副裁判

unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球

underhand stroke 低手击球

uneven number of points 单数分数

unsight an opponent 挡住对方视线

up and back 双打中一前一后的站法

variation of shots 打法变化

velocity of shuttle flight 球的飞行速度

well-rounded game 全面的技术

Western grip 西方式握拍法

white tape 网顶白布条

wide 球打出边线

wild shot 乱打,野球

winner 得分球

wooden shot 木球


Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles). The players or pairs take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.

Unlike many racket sports, badminton does not use a ball: badminton uses a feathered projectile known as a shuttlecock. Since the shuttlecock is strongly affected by wind, competitive badminton is always played indoors.

General Description

The players strike the shuttlecock with their rackets so that it passes over the net and into the opponents' half of the court. The rally ends once the shuttlecock touches the ground: every stroke must be played as a volley. In doubles, either player of a pair may hit the shuttlecock (except on service), but only a single stroke is allowed before the shuttle passes again into the opponents' court (unlike volleyball). Players are awarded a point if the shuttlecock lands on or within the marked boundary of their opponents' court, or if their opponent's stroke fails to pass the net or lands outside the court boundary.

A rally begins with the service, in which the serving player must strike the shuttlecock so that, if left, it would land in the diagonally opposite service court. In doubles, only one player, the receiver, may return the service (thereafter either player may hit the shuttlecock); the order of doubles service is determined by the Laws, which ensure that all the players shall serve and receive in turn. If the server wins the rally, he will continue serving; if he loses the rally, the serve will pass to his opponent. In either case, the winner will add a point to his score.

A match consists of three games; to win each game players must score 21 points (exceptions noted below). There are five events: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles (each pair is a man and a woman).







Badminton is a historically popular and highly skillful racquet game. It is played with a shuttlecock on a rectangular court. Like tennis, the game can be played as singles or doubles - with one person on each side, or two.

Players dart around the court, pitting their reactions and reflexes against the opposition. Four miles can be travelled by a player in the duration of a match, so fitness is paramount.

The shuttlecock flies through the air in amateur and professional games alike, giving the feathered (usually plastic) projectile its affectionate nick name of the ‘bird’. In fact, a powerful smash or serve in badminton regularly beats the top speeds of those of a world class tennis player - up to around 260kph for world class badminton players, compared to Andy Roddick's world-record serve of 246 kph. As such, badminton is arguably the world’s fastest racquet sport.

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