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简介1.用英语描述NBA篮球比赛2.NBA球队英文简介附带中文3.NBA解说词(英文)4.火箭的英文简介和NBA的英文简介5.用英语介绍洛杉矶湖人队6.求NBA球队的简介和英文翻译7.关于NBA的历史(要用全英文回答哟)If you ask me bout my favourite NBA player,the answer must be Michle Jordan 5 tears ago but









If you ask me bout my favourite NBA player,the answer must be Michle Jordan 5 tears ago but now it changed to Yao Ming.

The 2006-2007 regular season of NBA will start soon.As the center of Houston Rockets,the proud of our Chinese,Yao Ming is becoming more and more dominant in NBA,the first class basketball league has came to much more highlighted.Especilly in China,all the Chinese basketball fans see the Rockets as their hometeam.I'm the super fan of it.And of course,fan of Yao.

Several days ago,Yao twisted his ankle in the match VS Orlanto Magic.It really depressed me as the unending injuries had haunted the Rockets for the last whole season.I am so happy to know later that Yao is alright and will be healthy enough to face the challenges of new season.He is always performing like a gentleman no matter in the match or in daily life.I think he is a perfect delegate of China to the whole world.


National Basketball Association All-Star Game

The NBA staged its first All-Star Game in the Boston Garden on March 2, 1951. From that year on, the game has matched the best players in the East against the best in the West.

The All-Star Game is the main, culminating event of All-Star Weekend, and it is held on Sunday evening. In recent years, the All-Star Game has expanded to include musical performances by major stars such as Elton John, Destiny's Child, Mariah Carey, OutKast and others. The soulful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner by Marvin Gaye during the 1983 All-Star Game remains a staple of pop culture.

Other major events include Friday Night's Rookie Challenge and Saturday Night's Slam Dunk Contest, Three Point Contest, and the Skills Challenge event (started in 2003) which pits the league's top point guards in an obstacle course of dribbling, shooting and passing, and the new Shooting Stars Competition which features a retired player, a current NBA player and a WNBA player representing their teams' cities in a shooting competition.

Rookie Challenge is a game in which selected Rookies of the league team up to go against selected Sophomores of the league. The Sophmores often win, but on rare occasions, the Rookies have stunned the Sophomores.

Three Point Contest is a contest in which selected three point shooters (those who lead the league in three point shooting) take positions around the basket and try to net as many three pointers as they can. There will be 'money balls' where a shooter can earn more points by making it in.

Slam Dunk Contest is a contest in which selected players (those who have monstrous dunks) try to think of creative dunks and show off to the crowd. The usual rules of 'traveling' and double dribbling do not apply.

Additionally, the NBA Jam Session, a "theme-park" of basketball, has been a part of the All-Star festivities since 1992, with fans able to take part in numerous interactive basketball related activities from Thursday through Monday. The Jam Session is usually targeted to young fans. It is similar to the America Online NFL Experience, which opens during Super Bowl weekend.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the major professional basketball league1 in the world,with teams from the United States and Canada.With the addition of the Toronto2 Raptors and the Vancouver3 Grizzlies prior to the 1995~1996 season,the NBA expanded to 29 teams competing in two conferences4,the Eastern and Western,in four separate divisions.Each team conducts a training camp in October to determine its 12-player roster5.Training camp allows each team to evaluate players,especially rookies6 (first-year players),to assess7 the team's strengths and weaknesses,and to prepare players for the upcoming season through a series of on-court drills8 and practice of offensive9 and defensive strategy.After a series of exhibition games,the NBA begins its 82? game regular season in the first week of November.

In the second week of February,the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game,featuring the game's best players as selected by the general balloting10 of fans throughout the United States and Canada.After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs11(8 teams from each conference).In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot12.The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next- best13 teams,regardless of division.The playoffs start with the teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series,in which the winner is the first team to win three games.In subsequent rounds best-of-seven series are played,with the first team to earn four victories winning the round.The playoffs continue in this elimination14 scheme until a conference champion is crowned.The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion.

Every June the league conducts its amateur draft15,in which each team obtains the rights to the professional services of the best collegiate and international players.Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces16 intercollegiate eligibility17.To determine the draft order the NBA uses a draft lottery18,introduced in 1985.Those teams that failed to qualify for the playoffs the previous season are eligible for the lottery.The lottery determines the first three teams to select in the draft.The remaining teams draft according to their win-loss record of the previous season,so that teams with poorer records draft higher than those with better records.The NBA draft consists of only two rounds,with a total of 58 players chosen.Those players not selected in the draft can be invited to try out19 for a team and are sometimes signed to playing contracts.

The NBA's official development league is the Continental Basketball Association (CBA).The league was founded in 1946 and now features 12 teams playing in two conferences.Many players,coaches,executives,and referees20 have honed21 their skills in the CBA before going on to NBA careersseason in the first week of November.

In the second week of February,the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game,featuring the game's best players as selected by the general balloting10 of fans throughout the United States and Canada.After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs11(8 teams from each conference).In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot12.The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next- best13 teams,regardless of division.The playoffs start with the teams

with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series,in which the winner is the first team to win three games.In subsequent rounds best-of-seven series are played,with the first team to earn four victories winning the round.The playoffs continue in this elimination14 scheme until a conference champion is crowned.The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion.



1、菲尼克斯太阳(Phoenix Suns):球队建于1968年,菲尼克斯是亚利桑那州的首府,位于美国西海岸的沙漠中,年降水量稀少,阳光充足,以“太阳”为队名最有代表意义。 Sonic Underwater Navigation System 声纳水下导航系统

2、圣安东尼奥马刺(San Antonio Spurs):NBA的创始球队之一,最早时球队大本营在达拉斯,队名为“达拉斯橡木队”,1970年更名为“得克萨斯橡木队”,1973年移师圣安东尼奥后改名为“马刺队”。“马刺”是骑马者钉在鞋后跟上的一种铁制的刺马针,以此为队名,可以反映出美国西部大开发的时代特征。Space Power Unit Reactor宇宙飞行电源装置用的反应堆

3雷霆队俄克拉荷马雷霆(Oklahoma City Thunder)NBA球队,创建于2008年9月3日。


4、达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks):1980年3月,球队老板在征集来的大约四千六百个名称中,选中“小牛”为球队的队名。

5、萨克拉门托国王(Sacramento Kings):该队更名之多是NBA其他球队望尘莫及的,刚成立时叫“罗切斯特皇家队”,1957年更名为“辛辛那提皇家队”,1972年改称“堪萨斯城 —奥哈马国王队”,直到1985年才定居萨克拉门托,更名为“萨克拉门托国王队”。

6、休斯敦火箭(Houston Rockets):球队最早是在盛行军需产业的圣地亚哥,1961年迁美国国家航空天局(NASA)所在地休斯顿后,“火箭”这个名字更加名副其实了。 National Aeronautics and Space Administration美国国家航空和宇宙航行局

7、孟菲斯灰熊(Memphis Grizzlies):灰熊队于1995年诞生,当时作为NBA海外扩张计划的一部分,主场设在加拿大的温哥华市,并以加拿大西部非常有代表性的动物“大灰熊”给球队命名,象征着篮球的力量。2001年,灰熊队迁回美国田纳西州孟菲斯市,更名为孟菲斯灰熊队。

8、洛杉矶湖人(L.A. Lakers):1948年加盟NBA时,湖人队还在明尼苏达阿波利斯,但是一次飞机失事,使湖人老板痛下决心,于1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶。队名也是征集来的名字,大意是在美国东北部五大湖工作或者居住的人。

9、明尼苏达森林狼(Minnesota Timberwolves):1989年加盟NBA,以明尼苏达地区数量一种凶猛的野生动物“森林狼”命名。

10、丹佛掘金(Denver Nuggets):原名“丹佛火箭队”,是ABA创始球队之一。1974年加入NBA后改名为“金块队”,因为19世纪美国家对西部进行大开发时,曾在丹佛发现了金矿。

11、洛杉矶快船(L.A. Clippers):1970年成立于布法罗(buffalo水牛城),队名为“布法罗勇敢者队”。1978年迁到圣地亚哥后,更名为“圣地亚哥快艇队”,1980年又迁到至洛杉矶。

12、波特兰开拓者(Portland Trail Blazers):成立于1970年,当时波特兰正好是西部大开发的中心地,因此用“开拓者”给球队命名也能反映出那个时代的特征。

13、犹他爵士(Utah Jazz):创建于1974年,当时主场在新奥尔良,队名为“新奥尔良爵士队”。1980年移师犹他州的盐湖城后,依然沿用“爵士队”这个名字。

14、金州勇士(Golden State Warriors):1946年诞生与于费城,队名为“费城武士队”,是为表达对美国独立战争中牺牲的勇士的一种敬意。1962年移师旧金山后改为“金州勇士队”。

15、新奥尔良黄蜂(New Orleans Hornets):1988年在夏洛特组建并进入NBA,球队的队标就是一只凶猛的班胡蜂,是从社会上征集来的作品,另外夏洛特市的市徽上也有蜂的图案。2002年黄蜂队由夏洛特市搬迁到了新奥尔良。


1、迈阿密热火(Miami Heat):1988年组建,球队位于四季温暖宜人的佛罗里达的迈阿密,所以在众多队名后选名单中选中了“热”,既现示出了迈阿密的气候条件,又希望球队能有个红红火火、蒸蒸日上的未来。

2 名字的艺术---NBA30支球队名称来历

2、底特律活塞(Detroit Pistons):1948年加入NBA时大本营在福特怀恩,老板是从事活塞制造业的,“活塞”就成了球队的队名。1957年,球队迁到汽车城底特律后仍然沿用这个名字。

3、波士顿凯尔特人(Boston Celtics):1946年,11个冰球大老板商量成立新的篮球联盟,于是BAA应运生,凯尔特人队是最初的11支球队之一。由于波士顿有许多爱尔兰移民,其中有不少移民是凯尔特人,所以球队初建时队名就叫“原始凯尔特人队”,后简化成“凯尔特人队”。

4、克里夫兰骑士(Cleveland Cavaliers):1970年入盟,克里夫兰在给新成立的职业篮球队起队名时,在当地投票表决,结果6000张选票中超过三分之一的票数都选了“骑士”。

5、华盛顿奇才(Washington Wizards):1961年加入NBA,球队大本营还在巴尔的摩时队名为“子弹队”,因为巴尔的摩的军需产业非常发达。球队迁往华盛顿后继续用“子弹队”这个名字,因为叫“子弹”有暴力倾向,直到1997-1998赛季才改为“奇才队”,也有人称之为“巫师队”。

6、奥兰多魔术(Orlando Magic):魔术队是NBA的新军之一,1989年才加入NBA。因为迪斯尼世界乐园是奥兰多的一大休闲娱乐场所而“ Come to the magic”(来玩魔术)又是奥兰多人最爱说的一句话,魔术队也因此而得名。

7、芝加哥公牛(Chicago Bulls):1966年加盟NBA,因为飞人迈克尔—乔丹的原故,芝加哥公牛队绝对是在全球拥有最高知名度的NBA球队。芝加哥畜牧业非常发达,该城的职业橄榄球队和职业棒球队各有一支以动物名称命名的球队,所以“公牛”便成了芝加哥职业篮球队的队名。

8、费城76人(Philadelphia 76ers):作为NBA中的一支老牌球队,在建队之初,当时的费城76人队既没有把主场设在费城,也没有取名为76人队,而是起了个非常富有爱国主义意味的名字——锡拉丘兹民族队(Syracuse Nations)。1937年组建的锡拉丘兹民族队随着NBL(国家篮球联盟)与ABB(美洲篮球协会)的合并,于1949年加入NBA,1963年迁到费城后改成“76人队”因为费城是1776年美国宣布独立的地方。

9、印第安纳步行者(Indiana Pacers):也有叫印第安纳溜马队。1976年加入NBA,步行者英文名字是“Pacers”,发音和“Pace car”非常相似,而“Pace car”是在“印第安纳500”(和F1齐名的世界著名赛车盛事之一)比赛中在前方开道的先导车,其风头不让名赛车。球队以“Pacers”命名,自然也是想借“印第安纳500”的人气一举成名。

10、新泽西网(New Jersey Nets):网队于1976年加入NBA ,“网”指的就是“篮网”,是篮球运动中不可缺的要素之一。网队之所以起这个名字,一方面是为了和篮球攀上点关系,另一方面是因为早在新泽西网球队成立之前,纽约已有棒球队METS和橄榄球队JETS,当时这两支球队都已羽翼丰满,网队起了这两个队的谐音NETS,其实也想沾一下它的光。

11、密尔沃基雄鹿(Milwaukee Bucks):1968年加入NBA,和许多不知用什么动物名称给球队命名的球队一样,密尔沃基在给自己的球队命名时也曾举棋不定,最后在包括“臭鼬(Skunk)”、“海狸(Beaver)”等一大堆动物名称中,选择了弹跳力好、而且是密尔沃基一带野生的“雄鹿”为球队的队名。

12、纽约尼克斯(New York Knicks):加入NBA时间1946年,正确的说法是“灯笼裤队”,因为纽约有大量荷兰移民,荷兰人最喜欢穿宽松肥大的灯笼裤,而“尼克斯”只是“灯笼裤”一词的译音。

13、多伦多猛龙(Toronto Raptors):猛龙队于1995年诞生,当时作为NBA海外扩张计划的一部分,主场设在加拿大的多伦多市,队名也是征集而来的,最后选中了凶猛、速度快、弹跳高的“龙”。

14、夏洛特山猫(Charlotte Bobcats): “山猫”,北卡罗莱纳州山林中的野生动物,它机警、善于捕捉猎物,拥有猫科动物的所有习性。山猫队于2004年加入NBA。

15、亚特兰大老鹰(Atlanta Hawks):最初命名为“三市黑鹰队”,是借用了酋长“黑鹰”的名字。1951年迁至密尔沃基后易名为“鹰队”。1955年迁至圣路易斯,1968年迁到亚特兰大至今仍一直使用“鹰队”这个名字。加入NBA时间1949年






Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena。





Backdoor paly:篮球基本战术之一。当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时,





Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.)。


Bounce pass:击地传球。

Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动





Buzzer beater:比赛结束前的最后一投。buzzer是比赛用的蜂鸣器。


Coach:教练。比如Head coach是主教练,Assistant coach是助理教练。

Coast-to-coast:从球场的一端到另一端(n)。例如:coast-to-coast pass。

Conference:联盟。NBA分东、西两个联盟(Eastern Conference和Western


Commissioner:总裁。NBA的现任总裁是David Stern。

Court:球场;赛场。home court主场。

Crossover:交叉运球过人。是Tim Hardaway的商标动作。




喊"Defense! Defense!"。

Deny the ball:绕前防守。





Double dribble:两次运球。





Fadeaway shot:后仰投篮。也作fadeaway jumper。


Fast break:快攻;快速突破。


Field goal:投篮(总称),包括两分球的投篮也包括三分球的投篮(缩写:FG.)。

Finger roll:低手上篮时手指拨球的动作。

Flagrant foul:没有必要或动作过大的犯规。

Foul:犯规。个人犯规是personal foul;全队的累计犯规叫team foul。

Foul troublen)一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带来的麻烦,比如说这个队员的


Free agent:自由人。合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队


Free throw:罚球(缩写:FT.)。











Hang time:滞空时间,即运动员投篮时在空中停留的时间。

High post:罚球弧的周围。

Hook shot:钩手投篮,有时也直接用"hook"表示。

Illegal defense:非法防守。联防防守即为非法防守。

Injury list:伤员名单。如果某个队员受伤不能参加比赛,根据NBA的规定必须要将其


Jam:扣篮。one-handed jam单手扣篮;two-handed jam双手扣篮。著名歌星

Michael Jackson和Michael Jordan合作拍过一部MTV,名字就叫"Jam"。




Jump ball:跳球;争球。

Jump shot:跳投。也作jumper。

Lane:罚球区,也作free throw lane。篮球刚发明的时侯罚球区是细长的,其宽度比罚

球弧的直径还要短,形状就象把钥匙,所以也称之为the key。


Ligament:韧带。cruciate ligament,十字韧带,膝关节中的韧带,是运动员最容易受

伤的部位,分anterior cruciate ligament和posterior cruciate


Locker room:更衣室。



Low post:三秒区内,篮筐两侧,靠近底线的那部分。





move!";后转身的摆脱我们称之为"Spin move"。

MVP:Most Valuable Player,最有价值的运动员。

Net:篮网。检验球是否入筐的标志,原Utah的David Benoit在扣篮时,球砸在自己的头



No-charge area:进攻有理区。根据去年的新规则在两个篮下各画定一以篮筐的中心为




offensive rebound就是前场篮板球(进攻篮板球)。

Outlet pass:抢到篮球板后的第一传,一般都是隔场的长传。


Palming:我们常说的“翻腕”,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。


Personal foul:个人犯规。


英语叫"set a pick",然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫"roll",再接

队友的传球,在无人防守的情况下投篮。Pick n" Roll是Malone和Stockton的看家本







Point guard:组织后卫,也作控球后卫。


Power forward:大前锋,我国常称之为“二中锋”。二者略有不同,“二中锋”是基于



Press:紧逼(防守)。full-court press,全场紧逼;half-court press,半场紧逼。

Pump fake:投篮的假动作。







Reverse:反身的(a)。比如从底线切入后的反身扣篮是reverse dunk。


Run:连续得分。比赛中屏幕上会经常打出某支球队12-0 run in last 4 minutes,就是


Salary Cap:工资上限。




Shot clock:24秒计时器。


Sixth man:第六人,即第一个替补上场的队员。

Slam dunk:重扣,特指双手持球高高跳起的使出吃奶力气的重扣,也可以是单手的重





Strong side:强侧。有球的一侧为强侧。(关于强侧与弱侧的具体定义请见《联






Technical foul:技术犯规。

Three-point shot:三分投篮。


Three-second violation:三秒违例。


Timeout:暂停。NBA中有20秒的短暂停(20-second timeout)和100秒的长暂停

(regular timeout)。











Weak side:弱侧。无球的一侧为弱侧。(关于强侧与弱侧的具体定义请见《联防FAQ》)

Wide open:开阔(n),无人防守。大多数情况下战术配合的目的就是给队友制造wide


Zone:联防;区域防守。也作Zone defense





Now.Houston ball, wafer pass to tmac ,3 seconds left.TMAC get to the paint,Then,he slam,OH my godness.yes he slam! what a unbelieve ball by tmac!he light the Tokyo Center。Its a real tmac .he is back!



During halftime of their game vs. the Phoenix Suns on April 19, the Houston Rockets introduced the Rockets 30-Year Team, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the franchise. Charles Barkley, Sam Cassell, Clyde Drexler, Mario Elie, Elvin Hayes, Moses Malone, Calvin Murphy, Hakeem Olajuwon, Ralph Sampson and Rudy Tomjanovich were chosen by fan balloting to comprise this honorary roster celebrating the history of the franchise.

Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley (1996-98) has registered a significant impact in just two seasons with the Rockets. In his first season with the Rockets, he became one of four players in NBA history to compile 20,000 points, 10,000 rebounds and 3,500 assists in a career. He was named to the NBA's 50 All-Time Greatest Players List last season and helped Houston reach the Western Conference Finals.

Chosen with the 24th selection of the 1993 NBA Draft, Sam Cassell (1993-1996) made major contributions to the Rockets back-to-back NBA Championship teams of 1994 and 1995. Cassell ranks among the franchise leaders in nine playoff categories and will be remembered by fans for hitting the game-winning shot in Game 3 of the 1994 NBA Finals.

Clyde Drexler

Clyde Drexler (1995-1998) returned to his hometown of Houston midway through the 1995 season and played a critical role in the Rockets claiming their second consecutive NBA Championship. Drexler was also selected for the NBA's 50 All-Time Greatest Players List last season and this year became one of three players in NBA history to collect 20,000 points, 6,000 rebounds and 6,000 assists in a career.

Mario Elie (1993-98) stands as just one of two players remaining from the Rockets back-to-back NBA Championship teams of 1994 and 1995. He ranks third in franchise history in playoff games played and playoff three-point percentage. Elie's "Kiss of Death" game-winning three-pointer in Game 7 of the 1995 Western Conference Semifinals stands as one of the most memorable shots in franchise history.

A member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, Elvin Hayes (1968-72, 81-84) starred for the Rockets at both the start and close of his NBA career. Selected to NBA's 50 All-Time Greatest Players List last season, Hayes ranks sixth in the NBA all-time in scoring and fourth all-time in rebounding. Hayes led the Washington Bullets to an NBA Championship in 1978.

The only player in Rockets history to win multiple NBA MVP awards, Moses Malone (1976-82) led Houston to its first NBA Finals appearance in 1981. He earned NBA MVP honors three times over his career, with Houston in 1979 and 1982 and with Philadelphia in 1983. Malone, who also resides on the NBA's 50 All-Time Greatest Players List, stands fourth in the NBA all-time in scoring and fifth all-time in rebounding.

Calvin Murphy (1970-83) played all 1,002 games of his Basketball Hall of Fame career for the Houston Rockets. Murphy stands as the franchise leader in assists and in the top two in five other categories. In 1981 he helped lead the Rockets to their NBA Finals appearance while setting the NBA record for free throw percentage in a single season.

Hakeem Olajuwon

Hakeem Olajuwon (1984-98) has collected 13 franchise records in his 14 seasons with the Rockets. The franchise leader in points and rebounds, as well as the NBA leader in blocked shots, led the Rockets to their first two NBA Championships in 1994 and 1995. This member of the NBA's 50 All-Time Greatest Players List became the first player in NBA history to claim NBA MVP, NBA Defensive Player of the Year and NBA Finals MVP honors in one season when he accomplished this in 1994.

Rudy Tomjanovich (1970-81) has contributed to the Houston Rockets success for each of the past 28 NBA seasons. A five-time NBA All-Star, Tomjanovich ranks third in franchise history in both points scored and games played. His dedication to the Rockets continued after his playing career, as he coached the Rockets to their first two NBA Championships in 1994 and 1995.

Ralph Sampson (1983-87) came to the Rockets with the first selection of 1993 NBA Draft. Sampson was named an NBA All-Star in each of his four full seasons with Houston, leading the Rockets to the NBA Finals in 1986. For three seasons, he teamed with Hakeem Olajuwon to form the feared "Twin Towers" of the mid-1980's.

The Rockets 30-Year Team is being honored in conjuction with the celebration of the franchise's 30th anniversary. A panel of Houston media members nominated 30 Rockets players for eligibility and fans were asked to select ten of these players for the Rockets 30-Year Team. From March 31 through April 14 fans had the opportunity to vote for the ten Rockets to be named to the 30-Year Team through ballots in the Rockets Blastoff game magazine, at the Rockets Shop in Memorial City Mall, and at the Rockets website at www.rockets.com.


The Los Angeles Lakers are a National Basketball Association (NBA) team based in Los Angeles, California. The Lakers play their home games at Staples Center, which they share with their local NBA rival, the Los Angeles Clippers, the Los Angeles Kings of the NHL, and the Los Angeles Sparks of the WNBA.The Lakers are the reigning NBA champions after defeating the Boston Celtics in the 2010 NBA Finals 4–3. The Finals victory gave the franchise their 16th championship, placing them second in NBA history behind the Celtics' 17. As of 2011, the Lakers are the second most valuable NBA franchise according to Forbes, having an estimated value of $643 million.

The franchise started with the 1947 purchase of a disbanded team, the Detroit Gems of the NBL. The new team began play in Minneapolis, Minnesota, calling themselves the Lakers in honor of the state's nickname, "Land of 10,000 Lakes". The Lakers won five championships in Minneapolis, propelled by center George Mikan, who is described by the NBA's official website as the league's "first superstar".[4] After struggling financially in the late 1950s following Mikan's retirement, they relocated to Los Angeles before the 1960–61 season.


休斯敦火箭 Houston Rockets

洛杉矶湖人 Los Angeles Lakers

达拉斯小牛 Dallas Mavericks

明尼苏达森林狼 Minnesota Timberwolves

迈阿密热火 Miami Heats

亚特兰大鹰 Atlanda Hawks

华盛顿奇才 Washington Wizards

菲尼克斯(凤凰城)太阳 Phoenix Suns

(Los Angeles Lakers1948年加盟NBA时,湖人队还在明尼苏达阿波利斯,但是一次飞机失事,使湖人老板痛下决心,于1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶。

洛杉矶湖人队是NBA历史为数不多的常青树之一,该队的夺冠次数仅次与凯尔特人队。湖人队的最大特点是总有伟大的中锋跟他们联系在一起,米肯、张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain)、贾巴尔以及现在的奥尼尔等人,打造了“湖人王朝”。

自1948年加入NBA以来,湖人队在6年内5夺总冠军,湖人“第一王朝”应运而生。乔治-米肯(George Mikan)是“第一王朝”的奠基人。身高2.08的米肯虽然不是当时的第一长人,但他在禁区内无人能敌。1951-1952赛季,NBA甚至为了限制他的得分而加宽了三秒区。

湖人队得到米肯后实力大增,1947年成立的第一年就夺得NBL的总冠军。1948年湖人队跳槽至NBA的前身BAA,湖人队的NBA纪元也从此开始。1949年湖人队打败华盛顿国会队,夺得BAA总冠军。该赛季结束后,BAA与NBL合并成NBA,湖人队夺得了改称NBA后的第一个总冠军。但1950-1951赛季,湖人队却以1比3不敌罗切斯特皇家队(Rochester Royals),错失三连冠军的机会。1951-1954年,湖人队夺得NBA历史上第一个三连冠。但此后湖人开始下下坡路。1954年到1982年,他们只有两次折桂(1972年,1980年)。

1979年湖人选中“魔术师”约翰逊(Magic Johnson),湖人的“表演时刻”(Show Time)开始到来。约翰逊当年就为湖人队夺得了总冠军。在总决赛第6场比赛中,当家中锋贾巴尔受伤,20岁约翰逊挺身而出,从后卫改打中锋,并且拿下了42分,湖人也以123比107战胜凯尔特人,夺得总冠军。1980-81赛季令人失望,湖人队因为约翰逊受伤,在季后赛第一轮就被淘汰。1981年帕特-莱利成为湖人队的主教练,他在此后的9年间为湖人夺得4个总冠军。


1999-2000赛季,菲尔-杰克逊入主湖人,与奥尼尔(Shaquille O'Neal)和科比-布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)打造出第三个“湖人王朝”。当赛季湖人队经过惊险的7场大战后淘汰开拓者,闯进总决赛。在两队的第七场比赛中,湖人队在第四节还一度落后13分,但最后还是不可思议地反败为胜。总决赛面对东部冠军步行者,湖人以4比2胜出,夺得自1988年以来的第一个总冠军。


(Los Angeles Lakers2000-2001赛季,湖人队在西部决赛中又碰到“绊脚石”,与国王队酣斗7场后才与网队会师。湖人队以4比0拿下了网队,夺得第三个冠军。奥尼尔总决赛平均每场36.3分12.3个篮板,再次成为总决赛MVP。


(Atlanta Hawks亚特兰大鹰队本赛季继续他们的重建计划,过去的夏天他们相继将队中最大牌的两位球员斯蒂芬-杰克逊和特里交换出去,结果他们分别从印第安纳步行者得到哈林顿,从达拉斯小牛得到沃克,就这样鹰队将围绕沃克和哈林顿重建球队。


(Dallas Mavericks库班和他的达拉斯小牛队终于在这个夏天得到了一个像样的中锋,上赛季表现出色的丹皮尔前往达拉斯,这让老尼尔森的阵容更趋合理。不过主力控球后卫纳什的离开却可能带给小牛队致命影响。


The origin of the NBA

In 1891, Americans James Naish Dr. Smith of Springfield College in Massachusetts, in order for students to find a way of winter sports training in 1891 with 2-breaking basket and a substitution of football has created a basketball This has been in full swing today's NBA. The NBA in June 6, 1946 when it was born, we have a strange name of the BAA.

The emergence and development of NBA basketball was 50 years ago, and the accumulation of sediment. Since 1891, basketball was invented, Dr. James Smith Naish, in 1898, Trenton, New Jersey with a team of 25 U.S. dollars to rent the hall to a local audience to the game ticket. After the squadron leader in dividends Cooper organizations active competition, first received 1 U.S. dollars. The "paid basketball," Encyclopedia Britannica was first identified as "professional basketball."

Trenton game, "paid game" in the United States rapidly. In order to protect the "paid game," the interests of the players, in 1898 set up around the team's first professional basketball - "National Alliance" (NBL). Due to the economic strength of the team and a far cry from the level of technology, combined with the absence of a mature market rules and operational experience, NBL after only three or four of the season will exist in name only. 30's, NBL in a number of small and medium-sized cities in the recovery of some small league. However, due to lack of sufficient funds to promote sales, basketball's influence has not formed.

In 1945, the Second World War has just ended, the loneliness of the long-standing sports agent saw this, they contact the 11 team owners, BAA has initiated the establishment of the organization. BAA is the NBA's predecessor, NBA's real birthday is on June 6, 1946, the day, near the Central Station, New York, "Captain Hotel", BAA (BOSKETBALL ASSOCIATON OF AMERICA) - National Basketball Association's "Adam" And "Eve" who held the inaugural meeting, the meeting decided that 11 teams and each team must carry 60 regular season games.

BAA by the 11 ice hockey stadium and the Museum of bosses, co-sponsored set up its mind to allow ice hockey stadium in the game other than when cold unlikely free market. Stadium bosses of these operators for the stadium is the expert, for their NBA "National Basketball League," the team more focused on a number of central and western regions, the small city of reality must be made at the time of the establishment of local well-known cities Team, the establishment of a nationwide organization of the concept of basketball. In the regular season, each of the alliance of the two teams play home and away, and another League team play a home and away. Finally, good or bad performance by lining up a place into the playoffs, the only hope to get into the playoffs won the championship. BAA used a total of 4-48 minutes, man-to-man defense and were prohibited zone. These NBA is still far from the most basic characteristics of amateur basketball.

BAA was one of the sponsors, the Boston Garden Stadium沃尔特阿布Lang's boss at the same time put forward a new concept of professional basketball, that professional basketball must have strong financial support, a player can only be for a club to enter into effect and strict contract , The league's also necessary to establish a reserve system. These contributions to the theory is that the huge amounts of money and the rule of law restricting the introduction of basketball, for the future development has laid a NBA salary and contract the cornerstone of the two.

In 1949, with the NBL after the annexation of BAA, in order to avoid potential legal trouble, formally changed its name to NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION, that the NBA.

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